داستان آبیدیک

international coach federation's


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: آیا فدراسیون برابرنهاد فارسی داره

This approach is one of the International Coach Federation's (ICF) core competencies, as well as being at the heart of the "co-active" coaching approach. The International Coach Federation's (ICF) core competencies, for example, include the need to establish trust and intimacy with the client, and the development of coaching presence (ICF, 1999). George Washington University, the first college program to be accredited by the ICF in 1998, offers a graduate certificate program in the organization development department. Started in 2000, the Georgetown University Leadership Coaching Certificate Program is housed in the Center for Continuing Professional Education, and was accredited by the ICF in January 2002. Extensive collaboration and cooperation among evidence-based coaches, psychologists, researchers, and academics is routine, which has not always been present in non-evidence-based coaching professional associations like the ICF, IAC, AC, and ICCO.

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